Scheduled Task for WOL magic packets

Based on the systems in a collection, this will wakeup all of them using the 1E server.

This depends on the 1E server to be installed – it won[t work without it.

' NAME: 1EWakeup_Collection
' Roger C 5/20/2017
' COMMENT: read a collection from SCCM, and fire wakeup commands to the collection members
' intended to be scheduled to run on the server using scheduled task manmager
'the collection can be read form the command line, or hard coded into the script
Option Explicit

DIM Version: Version = ""

Dim strSCCMServer
dim oWMI, strSCCM_SiteName, strQuery, objWMIService, strWMIClass
Dim colItems, objItem, strCollectionID, strNameSpace
Dim i, bBatch, s_csv
dim AwakeCount, AsleepCount
Dim locator, services, WakeService
Dim LogFileHandle, LogFilename, objFile

Const wbemFlagReturnImmediately = &h10
Const wbemFlagForwardOnly = &h20
dim wshShell: Set wshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

LogFilename = "WakeupLog.log"

'Edit for your SCCM Server
strSCCMServer = "SCCM02"
strSCCM_SiteName = "site_XXX"

' strCollectionID = "XXX00017" ' All Windows 7 Computers collection
strCollectionID = "XXX0016A" ' small sample collection - just my tablet
if WScript.Arguments.Count >= 1 then 
	if WScript.Arguments.Item(0)  "" then
		strCollectionID = WScript.Arguments.Item(0)
	End if 
end if

' Make sure this is running  from the cscript scripting host, to avoid popups
'If (Not IsCScript()) Then 		'If not CScript, re-run with cscript...
'	dim quote: quote=chr(34)
'    Dim strCmdLine, Argument    
'    strCmdLine = WScript.Path & "\cscript.exe " & quote & WScript.scriptFullName & Quote
'    If Wscript.Arguments.Count > 0 Then
'        For Each Argument in Wscript.Arguments
'            strCmdLine = strCmdLine & space(1) & quote & Argument & quote
'        Next 
'    End If
'    'strCmdLine = strCmdLine & space(1) & quote & "//NOLOGO" & quote
'	LogWriteln("Running under wscript.  Relaunching under cscript: " & strCmdLine)
'    wshShell.Run strCmdLine,1,False
'    WScript.Quit            	'...and stop running as WScript    
'End If

' Make sure server is valid/online
'strComputer = strSCCMServer
if WaitForReply(strSCCMServer, 1) then
	LogWriteln("Found server:" & strSCCMServer)
	LogWriteln("Unable to ping " & strSCCMServer & ". Aborting.")
end if 

' Make sure we can access the SCCM class
strNameSpace = "WINMGMTS:\\" & strSCCMServer & "\ROOT\SMS\" & strSCCM_SiteName
'strNameSpace = "WINMGMTS:\ROOT\SMS\" & strSCCM_SiteName

on error resume next
Set objWMIService = GetObject(strNameSpace)
if Err.number  0 then 				' didn't read it
	LogWriteln("Unable to access Namespace [" & strNameSpace & "]. Aborting.")
	wscript.quit 1
end if
on error goto 0
LogWriteln("Found namespace:" & strNameSpace)

' obtain the list of computers in the collection
strQuery = "SELECT CollectionID, Name FROM SMS_CollectionMember_a WHERE CollectionID='" & _ 
strCollectionID & "'"

on error resume next
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery(strQuery, "WQL", wbemFlagReturnImmediately + wbemFlagForwardOnly)
if Err.number  0 then 				' didn't read it
	LogWriteln("Error running QMI query: [" & strQuery & "]. Aborting.")
	wscript.quit 1
end if
on error goto 0
LogWriteln("Using CollectionID:" & strCollectionID)
S_csv = ""

AwakeCount = 0

i = 0
on error resume next
For Each objItem in colItems
	if err.number  0 then
		LogWriteln("No computers were returned from query: " & strQuery)
		WScript.Quit 1
	end if	
	i = i + 1
	S_csv = S_csv + """"
	with objItem
		.Name = UCase(.Name)
		'wscript.echo .name
		'if .name = "DT7851" or .name = "DT8543" then	' Debugging = 1 then Exit For   ' DEBUGGING	

LogWriteln("Awake:  " & AwakeCount)
LogWriteln("Asleep: " & AsleepCount)
LogWriteln("Total:  " & i)


' Send wake packet to a computer
Sub WakeComputer(strComputer)
	strNameSpace = "WbemScripting.SWbemLocator"
	on error resume next
	Set locator = CreateObject(strNameSpace) 
	if Err.number  0 then
		LogWriteln("Unable to access the Scripting Type Library [" & strNameSpace & "]. Aborting.")
		wscript.quit 1
	end if
	on error goto 0
	strNameSpace = "root\N1E\WakeUp"
	on error resume next
	Set services = locator.ConnectServer(strSCCMServer, strNameSpace)  
	if Err.number  0 then
		LogWriteln("Unable to access the WakeUp namespace [" & strNameSpace & "]. Aborting.")
		wscript.quit 1
	end if
	on error goto 0
	on error resume next
	Set WakeService = services.Get("WakeUp") 
	if Err.number  0 then
		LogWriteln("Unable to access the WakeUp class [" & strNameSpace & ".WakeUp]. Aborting.")
		wscript.quit 1
	end if
	on error goto 0

	'WScript.Echo "Sending wake packet to " & strComputer
	on error resume next
	WakeService.WakeName strComputer
	if Err.number  0 then
		LogWriteln("Unable to access the WakeName method [" & strNameSpace & ".WakeUp]. Aborting.")
		wscript.quit 1
	end if
	on error goto 0
End Sub 

' ping a computer and wait for response for x seconds
Function WaitForReply(strComputer, iPingCount)
	Dim i
	Dim iSleep :iSleep = 1		 'delay in seconds between pings.
	'Convert time between ping to sleep units
	iSleep = iSleep * 1000
	WaitForReply = vbFalse
	'Connect to local system WMI for ping provider
	on error resume next
	strWMIClass = "winmgmts:\root\CIMV2"
	Set oWMI = GetObject(strWMIClass)
	if Err.number  0 then 				' didn't read it
		LogWriteln("Error accessing local WMI class: [" & strWMIClass & "]. Aborting.")
		wscript.quit 200
	end if
	on error goto 0
	For i = 1 To iPingCount
		if Ping(strComputer) Then 
			'WScript.Echo vbTab & strComputer & " online"
			WaitForReply = vbTrue
			Exit For
		End If
		WScript.Sleep iSleep
End Function

' ping a computer 
Function Ping(strComputer)
	Ping = vbFalse
	Dim strQuery, colItems, objItem
	'wscript.Echo "Pinging " & strComputer
	'Note syntax in query to get address and resolved name
	strQuery = "SELECT * FROM Win32_PingStatus where address = '" & strComputer & "'"
	on error resume next
	Set colItems = oWMI.ExecQuery(strQuery,,48)
	if Err.number  0 then 				' didn't read it
		LogWriteln("Error running query against local WMI class: [" & strWMIClass & " : " & strQuery & "]. Aborting.")
		wscript.quit 200
	end if
	on error goto 0

	if isobject(colItems) then
		on error resume next
		For Each objItem In colItems
			If objItem.statusCode=0 Then Ping = vbTrue
		if Err.number  0 then
			LogWriteln("Ping WMI query did not return a collection: [" & strWMIClass & " : " & strQuery & "]. Aborting.")
			wscript.quit 1
		end if
		on error goto 0
		LogWriteln("Error: no results from query against local WMI class: [" & strWMIClass & " : " & strQuery & "]. Aborting.")
		wscript.quit 1
	end if
End Function 

' Check if this is running under CSCRIPT scripting host
'Function IsCScript()
'    If (InStr(UCase(WScript.FullName), "CSCRIPT")  0) Then
'        IsCScript = True
'    Else
'        IsCScript = False
'    End If
'End Function

' Logging functions
sub LogWriteln(s)        '-------------------------------------------------------------------
	s = "  " & TimeStamp() &  " " & s
	'wscript.echo s														'write message to the console
	if Not isObject(LogFileHandle) Then InitLogFile
	if isObject(LogFileHandle)  0 Then LogFileHandle.write s & vbCRLF	'write message to the log file
End Sub

sub InitLogFile         '--------------------------------------------------------------------
	Dim Failed: Failed = False
	Const Append = 8
	on error resume next
	Set objFile=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	if Err.number  0 then
		LogWriteln("Unable to create object: [Scripting.FileSystemObject]. Aborting.")
		wscript.quit 1
	end if
	on error goto 0

	On Error Resume Next
	Set LogFileHandle = objFile.OpenTextFile(LogFilename,Append,True) ' Append file, OK to create new is not exists
	if err.number  0 then
        wscript.echo ("  Warning: Unable to write to the log file (" & LogFilename & ")")
        Failed = True
    End If	
	On Error goto 0
	If Not Failed then LogFileHandle.write vbCRLF & "===[" & Month(DATE) & "/" & Day(DATE) & "/" & Year(DATE) & _
		"]====================" & vbCrlf	
End Sub

Function TimeStamp()
	Dim intSeconds, intMilliseconds
	intSeconds = (Hour(Now) * 3600) + (Minute(Now) * 60) + Second(Now)
	intMilliseconds = Timer() - intSeconds
	intMilliseconds = Fix(intMilliseconds * 100)
	TimeStamp = Hour(Now) & ":" & Right("0" & Minute(Now),2) & ":" & Right("0" & Second(Now),2) & "." & Right("0" & intMilliseconds,2)
End Function

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