Use msgraph to create an InTune group and add members with Powershell

$NewGroup_displayName = “AAD-Intune-Windows-Roger-test”
$GroupOwner = ‘’


Initial connections


Write-host ‘Connect to MSGraph’
Connect-MSGraph -ForceNonInteractive -Quiet # get an auth token for MSGraph

Write-host ‘Connect to MGGraph’
Connect-MgGraph -nowelcome

Write-Host ‘Get my user object ID’ # M
$MyObjectid = (get-mguser -all -filter “Mail eq ‘$GroupOwner'”).id


Create or locate the group


Write-Host ‘Look for group’
$newGroup = get-mggroup -Filter “displayname eq ‘$NewGroup_displayName'”

if (-not $newGroup) {
# grab the user object to make the owner
$MyObjectid = (get-mguser -all -filter “Mail eq ‘$GroupOwner'”).id

Write-Host 'Create a new group'
$GroupParams = @{
    description = "For testing InTune module commands"
    displayName = $NewGroup_displayName
    groupTypes = @()
    mailEnabled = $false
    mailNickname = $NewGroup_displayName
    securityEnabled = $true
    "owners@odata.bind" = @(    #owners is handled carefully 
$NewGroup = New-MgGroup -BodyParameter $GroupParams



Add members to the group


$Computernames = @(‘a’,’b,’c’,’d’,’e’)

Remove any that are already a member or invalid names / not found

$GroupMembers = (Get-MgGroupMember -GroupId $NewGroup.Id).additionalproperties.displayName
$ComputernamesFiltered = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
foreach ($Computername in $Computernames) {
if ($GroupMembers -notcontains $Computername ) {
if (get-mgdevice -filter “DisplayName eq ‘$Computername'” ) {
$null = $ComputernamesFiltered.Add($Computername)

build the final params

$deviceURLs = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
Foreach ($Computername in $ComputernamesFiltered) {
$DeviceID = (Get-mgdevice -Filter “DisplayName eq ‘$Computername'”).Id
$null = $deviceURLs.Add(“{$DeviceID}”)
$MemberParams = @{ “members@odata.bind” = $deviceURLs }

Best effort to add to the group / suppress error output

Update-MgGroup -GroupId $NewGroup.Id -BodyParameter $MemberParams # 2> $null

Get list of group members

(Get-MgGroupMember -GroupId $NewGroup.Id).additionalproperties.displayName

DEMO – Remove a group member

$RemoveThisDeviceID = (get-mgdevice -filter “DisplayName eq ‘a'”).id
Remove-MgGroupMemberByRef -GroupId $NewGroup.Id -DirectoryObjectId $RemoveThisDeviceID

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