Given an application name, return systems that have not completed deployment

Return a list of systems that have not completed deployment of a given application

Declare @Title varchar(max) -- application title
Set @Title='%(SEP)%5323%'

  VRSV.Netbios_Name0 as 'Netbios Name'
, vAA.CollectionName as 'Target Collection'
, Vaa.ApplicationName as 'Application Name'
, VADTDRPC.Descript as 'Deployment Type'
, VCI.LastEnforcementMessageTime
--, VCI.LastErrorCode
--, VADTDRPC.AppEnforcementState
	when VADTDRPC.AppEnforcementState = 1000 then 'Success'
	when VADTDRPC.AppEnforcementState = 1001 then 'Already Compliant'
	when VADTDRPC.AppEnforcementState = 1002 then 'Simulate Success'
	when VADTDRPC.AppEnforcementState = 2000 then 'In Progress'
	when VADTDRPC.AppEnforcementState = 2001 then 'Waiting for Content'
	when VADTDRPC.AppEnforcementState = 2002 then 'Installing'
	when VADTDRPC.AppEnforcementState = 2003 then 'Restart to Continue'
	when VADTDRPC.AppEnforcementState = 2004 then 'Waiting for maintenance window'
	when VADTDRPC.AppEnforcementState = 2005 then 'Waiting for schedule'
	when VADTDRPC.AppEnforcementState = 2006 then 'Downloading dependent content'
	when VADTDRPC.AppEnforcementState = 2007 then 'Installing dependent content'
	when VADTDRPC.AppEnforcementState = 2008 then 'Restart to complete'
	when VADTDRPC.AppEnforcementState = 2009 then 'Content downloaded'
	when VADTDRPC.AppEnforcementState = 2010 then 'Waiting for update'
	when VADTDRPC.AppEnforcementState = 2011 then 'Waiting for user session reconnect'
	when VADTDRPC.AppEnforcementState = 2012 then 'Waiting for user logoff'
	when VADTDRPC.AppEnforcementState = 2013 then 'Waiting for user logon'
	when VADTDRPC.AppEnforcementState = 2014 then 'Waiting to install'
	when VADTDRPC.AppEnforcementState = 2015 then 'Waiting retry'
	when VADTDRPC.AppEnforcementState = 2016 then 'Waiting for presentation mode'
	when VADTDRPC.AppEnforcementState = 2017 then 'Waiting for Orchestration'
	when VADTDRPC.AppEnforcementState = 2018 then 'Waiting for network'
	when VADTDRPC.AppEnforcementState = 2019 then 'Pending App-V Virtual Environment'
	when VADTDRPC.AppEnforcementState = 2020 then 'Updating App-V Virtual Environment'
	when VADTDRPC.AppEnforcementState = 3000 then 'Requirements not met'
	when VADTDRPC.AppEnforcementState = 3001 then 'Host platform not applicable'
	when VADTDRPC.AppEnforcementState = 4000 then 'Unknown'
	when VADTDRPC.AppEnforcementState = 5000 then 'Deployment failed'
	when VADTDRPC.AppEnforcementState = 5001 then 'Evaluation failed'
	when VADTDRPC.AppEnforcementState = 5002 then 'Deployment failed'
	when VADTDRPC.AppEnforcementState = 5003 then 'Failed to locate content'
	when VADTDRPC.AppEnforcementState = 5004 then 'Dependency installation failed'
	when VADTDRPC.AppEnforcementState = 5005 then 'Failed to download dependent content'
	when VADTDRPC.AppEnforcementState = 5006 then 'Conflicts with another application deployment'
	when VADTDRPC.AppEnforcementState = 5007 then 'Waiting retry'
	when VADTDRPC.AppEnforcementState = 5008 then 'Failed to uninstall superseded deployment type'
	when VADTDRPC.AppEnforcementState = 5009 then 'Failed to download superseded deployment type'
	when VADTDRPC.AppEnforcementState = 5010 then 'Failed to updating App-V Virtual Environment'
	when VADTDRPC.AppEnforcementState is null then 'No results reported'
	Else 'Unknown Response'
End as 'State Message'
          vAppDTDeploymentResultsPerClient VADTDRPC
     join v_R_System_Valid                 VRSV     on       VRSV.ResourceID = VADTDRPC.ResourceID
     join v_ApplicationAssignment          vAA      on      vAA.CollectionID = VADTDRPC.CollectionID
left join v_CICurrentComplianceStatus      vCI      on             vCI.CI_ID = VADTDRPC.CI_ID 
                                                    AND       vCI.ResourceID = VRSV.ResourceID

Vaa.ApplicationName like @Title
and AppEnforcementState not like '100%'
--and VRSV.Netbios_Name0 = ''
order by vrsv.Netbios_Name0, VADTDRPC.AppEnforcementState

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